About Hong Kong |
- The official currency in Hong Kong is Hong Kong dollars (HKD) which is directly linked to US dollars (USD) at a rate of USD 1 to approximately HKD 7.80.
- Foreign currencies can be exchanged to Hong Kong
dollars at the Hong Kong International Airport but at
a relatively high exchange rate. You are advised to
bring sufficient cash in HKD before departing from
your home country.
- Hong Kong is a highly dynamic cosmopolitan city
which embraces both Eastern and Western cultures. You will find many attractions towards this compact area
with memorable experience.
For more details, please visit the website of Hong Kong Tourism Board.
- During your visit, your may be interested in
visiting in Sai Kung, a small town and former fishing
village close to HKUST campus. The traveling time is
around 20 minutes by minibus or bus. Sai Kung is
fairly famous for its fresh seafood as well as scenic
country parks. For transportation, please check http://ias.ust.hk/web/ias/eng/visit_ias.php
Around the neighborhood
- You can find different shopping malls with restaurants, cinemas, supermarkets, etc. located near MTR stations. Some shopping malls not far from HKUST include:-
Please check here for more information on transportation: