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Media Coverage
IAS Bank of East Asia Professor Ching W. Tang receives the 2018 C&C Prize by NEC C&C Foundation
10 Oct 2018
Prof Ching W. TANG has been recently selected as one of recipients of the 2018 C&C Prize by NEC C&C Foundation in recognition of his "discovery and pioneering development of thin-film organic light-emitting devices leading to the progress of organic electronics industry". The award honors Prof Tang’s outstanding contributions to R&D activities that brings impactful developments in the field.

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The Latest Issue of IAS Newsletter Released
24 Sep 2018
The HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) is committed to providing a knowledge hub to nurture talents in driving scientific discovery. This biannual IAS Newsletter shares the latest stories of our people and work.

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IAS Junior Fellows Yuanliang Zhai and Yongqian Zhao published in Nature
4 Jul 2018
Led by Prof Bik Tye of the Division of Life Science, Dr Yuanliang Zhai and Dr Yongqian Zhao, IAS Junior Fellows and Research Assistant Professors of the Division (Zhai is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong) have been collaborating with researchers led by Prof Ning Gao of Peking University. Recently they have published an article in Nature entitled “Structure of the origin recognition complex bound to DNA replication origin”, revealing the hi-res image of the structure of the Origin Recognition Complex (ORC) bound to DNA under an electron cryomicroscopy (CryoEM).

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IAS Bank of East Asia Professor Ching W. Tang Receives Honorary Degree for His Contribution to Science
18 May 2018
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) conferred the award of Doctor of Science honoris causa to IAS Bank of East Asia Professor Ching W. TANG for his impactful invention of the OLED technology. At HKU’s 199th Congregation, Prof Tang was the only scientist receiving the honor this year. The honorary degree conferred by Mrs Carrie Lam, HKU’s Chancellor and the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, represents a significant recognition from the local community.

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IAS Junior Fellow Kim Chow Elected Future Female Scientists
25 Jan 2018
Dr Chow Hei-Man, IAS Junior Fellow and Research Assistant Professor of Life Science, has recently been elected to the Future Female Scientists program (未來女科學家計劃). She and another colleague both scored highest in the selection process and she herself is becoming the first person from Hong Kong to receive this nation-wide honor. She will represent China to compete for the International Rising Talent Grants established by the L’Oréal UNESCO For Women in Science program.

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