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Quantum Leap: From Chinese Legend to Philosophy, to Information Technologies (量子通訊的絕密世界)
Prof Jianwei Pan, Vice-President and Professor, University of Science and Technology of China
Date : 23 Sep 2016 (Friday)
Time : 4:00 - 5:30 pm
Venue : IAS Lecture Theater, Lo Ka Chung Building, Lee Shau Kee Campus, HKUST
Video & Photos Details


Driven by the initial curiosity in Bell’s inequality, the last few decades have witnessed tremendous progress in the coherent control of individual quantum systems, which has subsequently led to a gradual transition from the fundamental physics to potential practical technologies. Today, there have been already some quantum communication networks constructed that allow real-world applications in the metropolitan area. In addition, based on photonic qubits and linear optics, a number of experiments have demonstrated fundamental elements in quantum computing, quantum simulation and quantum metrology.

However, there are still significant obstacles before quantum information science can become useful technology. In this talk, the speaker will describe his research group’s recent experiments toward scalable quantum information processing aiming for practical technologies. In the field of quantum cryptography, they have experimentally realized measurement device independent quantum key distribution, whose security can be ensured even under photon detector attack. In the field of quantum teleportation, they have realized quantum teleportation of multiple degrees of freedom in a single photon.

To extend the secure distance of quantum cryptography, two approaches are undertaken in the speaker’s research group. One is to use cold atom quantum repeaters. To this end, they have developed high-performance quantum memories for single photons, with a storage time of ~0.3s and high readout efficiency. Another route is through the low-loss atmospheric free-space channel. They have established a 100-km free-space link for quantum communication. Moreover, direct and full-scale experimental verifications have been performed for ground-satellite quantum key distribution. Recently, they have demonstrated free-space quantum communication under sunlight, towards a satellite constellation based global quantum network. They have launched a satellite for quantum science, which will offer a unique opportunity to test Bell’s inequality in large scale. The technological advance will, in return, push the fundamental physics forward.


About the speaker

Prof Jianwei Pan received his BSc and MSc from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 1992 and 1995 respectively. He then received his PhD in Experimental Physics from Vienna University in 1999. In 2001, he returned to USTC and is currently the Professor and Yangtze Scholar of Quantum Physics. He was also appointed the Vice-President of USTC in 2014.

Prof Pan’s research interest focuses on theory and experiment on quantum communication and quantum computation; quantum optics and quantum information, cold atomic physics, multi-photon entanglement; quantum repeater, long-distance free-space and fibre-based quantum key distribution; and quantum simulation, solid-state quantum photonics.

Prof Pan was elected as a member of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2011 and The World Academy of Sciences  in 2012. He received the International Quantum Communication Award in 2012 and the top breakthrough around the world by Physics World in 2015. Prof Pan and his research team received the Chinese State Natural Science First Class Award in 2016. Under his lead, the world's first quantum satellite was launched successfully in August 2016.

For attendees’ attention

1) This event will be conducted in Putonghua.
2) The lecture is free and open to all. Seating is on a first come, first served basis.


HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study
Enquiries ias@ust.hk / 2358 5912
