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Single Photon Emission and Absorption in Nanophotonic Structure
Dr Yuntian Chen, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Date : 12 Aug 2014 (Tuesday)
Time : 11:00am - 12:00nn
Venue : IAS1038, 1/F, Lo Ka Chung Building, Lee Shau Kee Campus, HKUST


Ultimate control over single light quanta, the emission of single photons, the absorption of single photons and the routing of photons between qubits is of core interest for quantum information technology. In the talk, the speaker will talk about how the nanophotonic structure can be used to control the single photon emission, and single photon absorption. In particular, the speaker will show that nanophotonic waveguide, or nano-antenna can be useful for steering single photon emission, while a terminated metallic waveguide can greatly enhance the single photon absorption.

The speaker will also show that the coupled lattice waveguide can be a rich testbed for strong coupling. The local resonance of each individual scatter can strongly couple to the waveguide mode, which results in rich phenomenas like anti-crossing features in the spectrum of extinction, as well as integrated near field.


About the speaker

Dr Yuntian Chen obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Tianjin University in 2005, his MSc degree in Photonics in Zhejiang University and the Royal Institute of Technology in 2007 and his PhD degree in Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in 2010. Shortly after graduation, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the group of Prof Jesper Mørk at DTU and working on the project “Plasmon based light-emitting diode”. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

The seminar is free and open to all. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.

HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study
Enquiries ias@ust.hk / 2358 5912
