工作坊 / 論壇
Nanopatterned Semiconductors to Achieve New Functionality
Prof Thomas Kuech, University of Wisconsin-Madison
日期 : 2010年 9月 14日 (星期二)
時間 : 下午3時30分至5時
地點 : 香港科技大學 鍾士元校董會議事廳 (7樓,13-15號電梯)


There has been a tremendous body of research into the development of nanoscale objects and materials. While these materials exhibit unique properties on their own, the technological development of these materials requires their integration into existing and evolving device and materials platforms. Wafer-scale processing and uniformity of materials, and hence device, properties are required. A self-assembled block co-polymer (BCP) approach to nanoscale patterning, which offers rapid and cost-effective full wafer patterning at the 20-nm length scale, is finding applications in the wafer-scale development of nanoscale structures. This talk will deal with several new applications of this approach used to achieve improvements in heteroepitaxial growth of large lattice mismatched materials and the formation of uniform nanostructured device structures, such as Quantum Dots for laser applications.


About the Speaker

Thomas F. Kuech received his MS and PhD in Applied Physics from Caltech in 1981. He was a Research Staff Member at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center from 1981 to 1990 and a research manager. He has been a member of the faculty of the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin ??Madison since 1990, and is currently Milton J.
and A. Maude Shoemaker Professor.

Prof Kuech is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and has been honored as a Fellow of the American Physical Society, several named lectureships, the American Institute of Chemical Engineering Stine Award, and is a concurrent professor of Nanjing University in the department of Physics. He is active in professional service and leadership. While at UW-Madison, he was the inaugural director of the UW-Madison Materials Research Science and Engineering Center. He has also served as an executive officer in several professional societies, such as president of the American Association for Crystal Growth, as well as organizing and chairing several major national and international conferences.

Institute for Advanced Study
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