OLEG DERIPASKA, CEO and founder of RUSAL, the world's largest aluminium producer and Basic Element, Russia's leading diversified investment company, will share the secrets of his personal growth and evolution.
Behind every project is an idea. At first this idea might seem unfeasible and you will be discouraged by those around you. But regardless of these hurdles, it is focus that will turn that idea into an opportunity, and that opportunity into success.
Concentration, dedication, and self-confidence, the ability to select the right people and to create a real team are the skills that will enable the realisation of the most ambitious projects. These can make the life more comfortable and civilised across whole cities and countries, generating opportunities for even more courageous ideas, ambitious projects and extraordinary achievements.
So what are the key principles of a man who has built a multinational diversified industrial holding across 25 countries with 250,000 employees?
1) Set your target
As a student from a small, distant Russian village, Mr Deripaska navigated his way in a country that was going through tumultuous transition and radical change. That change resulted in the collapse of ideology, a centrally planned economy, and ultimately people’s dreams and ambitions. But with that came new opportunities, particularly for those who dared to think independently.
2) Think globally and be ambitious
Is it possible to turn one production unit into a global leading multinational company in 12 years? It was determination that enabled Mr Deripaska to transform the Russian aluminium industry from its moribund state of the early 1990s into the largest, most competitive, aluminium producing business in the world.
3) Learn from others, create your own path
Application of the world’s best management practices, introduction of foreign technologies and the development of Russia’s own production tools helped to transform a decaying car plant, GAZ, into the home of the country’s leading diversified car manufacturer. This holding now produces a diverse range of vehicles and sets the benchmark for the Russian automotive industry.
4) Choose the right people and trust them
Trusting those to whom you must delegate is essential for a successful business. Mr Deripaska will explain how he transformed the mindset of his staff, who were born in a deferential era and lacked the understanding of a free-market economy, into a competitive and efficient team.
5) Always look forward and create opportunities
Energy is a key driver for those growing economies that provide a high standard of living. Access to a renewable energy source will help you to lead the world. Being a force for innovation in this sector will multiply your opportunities. Oleg Deripaska is a Physics graduate from the Moscow State University and has a dream to develop peaceful nuclear energy. He and his team are working on the creation of a 4th generation nuclear reactor – a revolutionary development in power which would open new horizons for industrial development in regions currently cut off from traditional power sources.
6) Measure you success by what really matters
When setting out to achieve your desired results and when setting new goals one must consider the social mission and heritage that you leave for future generations. It is through investment in new technology, science and culture, through constructing production facilities, through creating new cities with high living standards and new opportunities for their residents, charity and social investments that will make you proud of your achievements and your historic legacy.
