Stochastic optimization and analysis play a very important role in many disciplines including resource management in wireless networks, power flow control in smart grid, networked control systems, operation research as well as financial engineering. Key challenges include the modeling and analysis of stochastic dynamical systems as well as optimization and control of systems with stochastic state evolutions. In this mini-workshop, we target to explore the applications of these important techniques to the design, analysis and optimization of next generation wireless systems. In particular, the wireless industry has been working towards the next generation wireless networks - 5G systems. It is envisioned that the 5G systems can bring about 1000
times increase in capacity and connectivity compared with the current cellular networks. In addition to higher capacity, making the 5G networks greener and more energy efficient is also an important design goal. Huge investments have been made globally on the R&D of 5G wireless networks. In this workshop, we will bring together a number of distinguished speakers from prestigious research institutes and research labs in the industry to explore how stochastic optimization and analysis can help to achieve high quality video streaming, more efficient multicasting as well as to exploit renewable energy in future 5G wireless networks.
Vincent Lau | | Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering,
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
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