During last few years we have witnessed rapid developments in cosmology, both in theory and experiments. Especially, with the recent PLANCK data our understanding on the universe is facing even more refinements than ever. Moreover, with the planned number of future experiments on the cosmic microwave background, large scale structure, gravitational waves and so on, our view on cosmology and gravity will be further developed continuously. The aim of the workshop is to promote stimulating informal and intensive discussions among the participants and to initiate possible collaborations. In addition to research talks, there will be ample time for discussions.
Jointly sponsored by:
Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) and
HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study (HKUST IAS)

Organizers, speakers and participants gather for a group photo at the IAS building.

workshop attracts a pool of scholars from Asia, North
America and Europe continents.

Speakers share their expertise during the 5-day workshop.

Participants benefit from the exchange of wisdoms in the

Panelists discuss with the audience on the topic of BICEP2.