The Unbearable Lightness of Being: An Introduction to The Role of Softness in Biological Molecules
Robert Austin
Princeton University; Visiting Member, HKUST Institute for Advanced Study

Abstract & Bio

Confining DNA in a Tight Space – DNA Analysis in Nanochannels
Chi-Kuan Tung
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology


Giant Electrorheological Effect: From Macroscopic Model to Microscopic Mechanism
Shuyu Chen
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology


2:30 pm - Talk by Prof Austin
3:30 pm - Coffee Break
4:00 pm - Talk by Dr Tung
4:30 pm - Talk by Mr Chen

Mr & Mrs Lee Siu Lun Lecture Theater (LT-K), HKUST
[ Campus Map / Transportation ]

Miss Sanna Hui
Seminar Secretariat
Department of Physics
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, HK
Tel: 2358-5046 Fax: 2358-1652