Dynamic Pattern Switching
in Bacterial Oscillating System under Micro/Nano-fluidic
Jie-Pan Shen
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Successful binary fission in Escherichia coli (E.
coli) relies on remarkable oscillatory behavior of the MinCDE
protein system to determine the exact division site. Disability of
such a biological oscillator in E. coli by genetic deletion of
minCDE locus has been reported to perturb septum positioning, and
cause mini-celling with void genetic materials inside, in addition
to another large daughter strand with two chromosomes [1]. The most
favorable models to explain this fascinating spatiotemporal
regulation on dynamic pattern formation of MinDE proteins in cells
are based on the physical scheme of reaction-diffusion, that is,
protein-membrane and protein-protein interactions, and following
proteins diffusion between cell poles [2, 3]. Although not fully
understood, geometric factors, such as membrane curvature and
varying scale of cell boundary, caused by bacterial morphology play
a crucial role in pattern dynamics of membrane-associated MinD
proteins. In the present study, bacteria were cultured, confined and
reshaped in various types of pre-defined PDMS microfluidic chambers
or fused silica nanoslits, to mimic either negative curvature of
cell poles or planar membrane surface of in vitro synthetic systems
[4, 5]. In vivo time-lapsed fluorescence imaging was utilized to
detail the dynamics of mode transitions between multiple pattern
formations caused by collective MinDE interactions. Here, we
characterized the dynamic patterns of orchestrated MinDE proteins
due to the curvature effect and the varying boundary conditions
imposed by micro/nanofluidic constrictions. The understanding of the
physics underlying multiple pattern formations in both in vivo and
in vitro experiments are further complemented through in silico
modeling via Monte Carlo method. The study synergizes the join
merits of in vivo, in vitro and in silico approaches, to grasp the
insight of stochastic dynamics inherited from the noisy mesoscopic
biology of bacteria, and also elaborates sub-cellular biophysics in
prokaryotic cell division through micro/nano-fluidic manipulations,
together with in vivo imaging techniques.
1. P. A. J. de Boer, R. E. Crossley, and L. I. Rothfield, Cell, 1989, 56, 641-649
2. Y.-L. Shih, T. Le, and L. I. Rothfield, PNAS, 2003, 100, 7865-7870
3. K. C. Huang, Y. Meir Y, N. S. Wingreen, PNAS, 2003, 100,12724–12728
4. M. Loose, E. Fischer-Friedrich, J. Ries, K. Kruse, P. Schwille, Science 2008 320, 789–792
5. V. Ivanov and K. Mizuuchi, PNAS, 2010, 107, 8071-8078 |