ASI Lecturers

Nader Engheta University of Pennsylvania, U. S.
Javier García de Abajo Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain
Yuri Kivshar   Australian National University, Australia
Sir John Pendry                   Imperial College London, U. K., and HKUST Institute for Advanced Study
Vladimir Shalaev Purdue University, U. S.
David R. Smith Duke University, U. S.
Costas Soukoulis Iowa State University, U. S.

Invited Speakers

Che Ting Chan The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Kok Wai Cheah Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Hong Chen Tongji University, China
Tie Jun Cui Southeast University, China
Eleftherios N. Economou Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH), Greece
Shanhui Fan  Stanford University, U. S.
Nicholas Fang Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U. S.
Anthony Grbic University of Michigan, U. S.
Sebastien Guenneau French National Research Center (CNRS), France and Liverpool University, U. K.
Sailing He  Zhejiang University, China
Ortwin Hess    Imperial College London, U. K.
Ulf Leonhardt University of St Andrews, U. K.
Jensen Li City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Ross McPhedran University of Sydney, Australia
Roberto Merlin University of Michigan, U. S.
Graeme Milton University of Utah, U. S.
Raj Mittra Pennsylvania State University, U. S.
Daniel Ong The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Ari Sihvola Aalto University, Finland
Wing Yim Tam The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Din Ping Tsai Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Eli Yablonovitch University of California at Berkeley, U. S., and HKUST Institute for Advanced Study
Zhiyu Yang The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Nikolay Zheludev University of Southampton, U. K.
Lei Zhou Fudan University, China
Shining Zhu Nanjing University, China
Jian Zi Fudan University, China